Top Issues People Have with Their Computers

There are literally thousands of issues that cause your computer to malfunction. Sometimes you can easily find the source of the issue, which might have been you accidentally spilling water on your keyboard and sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint. Either way, it can be a frustrating process. Here are a few of the top computer issues you can run into and how we can help. Note: one important thing to remember is to always, always, always make sure your files are backed up because you are always at risk of losing them.

  1. Scareware, 800# scams – These are nasty looking pop-ups that suggest they call the scammer’s call center which demand money and often installs malware. If this happens to you, call your financial institution and tell them what happened. Then turn off the wireless connection to your computer, monitor your accounts and change your passwords.
  2. Ransomware – When you get locked out of your files and the hacker demands payment in order for you to gain access to the files again, it means that you are a victim of ransomware. Take preventative measures, like making sure your computer is up to date, installing an up-to-date antivirus solution, avoiding emails with unfamiliar addresses and attachments, and backing up your files. And honestly, setting up offsite incremental cloud backups is the only true defense. Ask us how!
  3. Hard drive failure- Warning signs of a hard drive failure consist of frequent, but irregular crashes, cryptic warning messages while performing normal computer functions, noisy, clicking or grinding sounds. You want backup immediately if you see any of these signs.
  4. Computer is slow- There are several reasons that your computer is slowing down. It could be that you need to reboot your computer, too many programs running, too much hard drive space being taken up, hard drive, updates, or it could simply be an older computer.
  5. Stolen Device – Retrace your steps before you take any other action. In the meantime, protect your accounts by using someone else’s computer and changing the passwords and try to identify the serial number of your computer.
  6. Spilled Water- Spilling liquid on devices is fairly common, but is never any less terrifying. If this happens to you, first dry any residual liquid. Then, turn off computer (press and hold power button), make sure it’s not hooked up to electricity and if possible, remove battery. Lay down the computer on a towel for the liquid to drip out. If this doesn’t work, take it to a computer repair professional.

There are some things that you can fix yourself and some issues that are better left to the professionals. We don’t want to rip you off – we never offer a computer repair or maintenance service we don’t think is beneficial to you. If you are looking for someone to monitor your businesses’ Windows PCs, we have a managed service for you! It starts at $9/month per computer.