Login passwords

Using a computer sometimes if not often involves sensitive or private information. While not putting anything private online or in the cloud keeps it secure the physical device itself still contains the information. This is why we use logon passwords and in some cases full drive encryption. In fact, the law often requires such measures to meet requirements for regulation ie. HIPAA. The physical security of a computer often isn’t enough. Though inconvenient it’s important to use a login password. Even if no private information exists on the computer the access to cloud data including email is easily compromised without a password. Even then passwords are bypassable in most situations. Therefore the extra step of using full system encryption with a password is recommended. This was if a computer is lost or stolen then the information within it and the data it can access is secure. These days fingerprint readers and facial recognition make logging securely without a password possible but it’s true that these methods rely on the existence of a login password. If you need help securing your computers, private or sensitive information then contact us for technical support online, over the phone, and someday soon in person.