
Some Windows 10 users are seeing notifications from Microsoft that their devices are temporarily blocked from receiving the Windows 10 1903 update. Source: Microsoft is notifying users if their devices aren’t ready for Windows 10 1903 | ZDNet
With a pirate cell tower, it’s easy to send fake emergency alerts warning of a terrorist attack, nuclear bomb, or other disaster. Source: How the U.S. Emergency Alert System Can Be Hijacked and Weaponized

June 26, 2019

Computer jargon

“Think about continuous integration. It’s highly relevant in the context of blockchain.” Is a sentence that makes zero sense (at least today) but you wouldn’t know it without understanding technical jargon that should be relegated to experts and enthusiasts. It is not a deficiency to lack this vocabulary and the onus is on the speaker to adjust for their audience. This is why we avoid jargon when speaking to our customers unless and until we
Telecommunications gear made by China’s Huawei Technologies is far more likely to contain flaws that could be leveraged by hackers for malicious use than equipment from rival companies, according to new research. Source: Huawei Telecom Gear Much More Vulnerable to Hackers Than Rivals’ Equipment, Report Says
Lake City officials give in and agree to pay nearly $500,000 to ransomware gang. Source: Second Florida city pays giant ransom to ransomware gang in a week | ZDNet