
Today at 10:30UTC, the Internet had a small heart attack. A small company in Northern Pennsylvania became a preferred path of many Internet routes through Verizon (AS701), a major Internet transit provider. Source: How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline Today  
Source: Tracing the Supply Chain Attack on Android — Krebs on Security

June 14, 2019

Backup, backup, backup

Storage is never permanent or infallible. Otherwise, we would not offer data recovery services. All hard drives fail eventually and sometimes suddenly. Flash sticks get lost and broken. Servers and the like get hacked or go down for reasons above most people’s pay grade. Even cloud services don’t last forever. So left with no single best solution we must diversify. And by doing so add more complexity to the operation. That’s why we also offer
Everything we disclose to any service, product, site or person online is potentially public. Of course, that is often the point when we post online to social media for example. However too often the supposed secrets like passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. will leak to the internet. Always consider anything you give to a corporation is potentially public at some point. Even when using encryption there are no perfect solutions and most
Xfinity Mobile deploys fix after weak PIN system fueled number-porting attacks. Source: Comcast set mobile pins to “0000,” helping attackers steal phone numbers