
Equifax’s data breach on Sept. 7, 2017, stunned markets and American consumers, but the data has disappeared. Source: The great Equifax mystery: 17 months later, the stolen data has never been found, and experts are starting to suspect a spy scheme
2018 represented a record year for venture capital investment into information security, but this isn’t a positive trend – and it definitely doesn’t mean we’re more secure. An unwarranted percentage of solutions being funded are not solving the problems defenders face the most. And with high numbers of lackluster information security startups failing to meet […] Source: The infosec reckoning has arrived
A new variant of the multi-stage Shlayer malware known to target macOS users has been observed in the wild, now being capable to escalate privileges using a two-year-old technique and to disable the Gatekeeper protection mechanism to run unsigned second stage payloads. Source: Shlayer Malware Disables macOS Gatekeeper to Run Unsigned Payloads
Processor protects malware from attempts to inspect and analyze it. Source: Researchers use Intel SGX to put malware beyond the reach of antivirus software
Source: Hackers wipe US servers of email provider VFEmail | ZDNet