
Computer Professional Repair
DHS lays out four-step action plan for investigating DNS hacks and securing DNS management accounts. Source: DHS issues security alert about recent DNS hijacking attacks | ZDNet
Ransomware strain has many similarities with one of the most damaging ransomware families. Source: New Phobos ransomware exploits weak security to hit targets around the world | ZDNet
Computer Professional Repair
Updated: An Oklahoma Department of Securities server allowed anyone to download government files. Source: Oklahoma gov data leak exposes FBI investigation records, millions of department files | ZDNet
To elude emulators, banking trojan would trigger only when infected devices moved. Source: Google Play malware used phones’ motion sensors to conceal itself
Sometimes it take a small bug in one thing to find something massive elsewhere. During an investigation recent, security firm Forcepoint Labs said it found a new kind of malware that was found taking instructions from a hacker sending commands over the encrypted messaging app Telegram . The researchers described their newly discovered malware, dubbed […] Source: Decrypted Telegram bot chatter revealed as new Windows malware