We know exactly how it goes: Technology is ever-changing, and every few years or so, you have to upgrade or replace your current device in order to keep with the times, updates, and device health. While getting a new device is exciting and can be a lot of fun, the frequent upgrading does mean that you can start to incur a collection of old, used devices sitting in your home doing nothing! From old phones
December 1, 2021
Computer Training at CPR Lubbock
It can be difficult to figure out a new computer, especially if you have been used to the same one for a long time. Whether you have been using the same operating system, server, or software for years or you have only ever used a Mac and now have a PC, Lubbock Computer Professional Repair is here to help you. We offer personalized computer training made specifically for you. When you get a new
November 24, 2021
Data Recovery Services with Lubbock Computer Professional Repair
It has happened to most of us: You are working hard on a report, an assignment, or something else, and you decide that you do not need to save what you are working on. Perhaps your computer has crashed and you have lost important data, photos, and documents that were not backed up to a cloud storage service. Maybe your computer was hacked and took with it important data that you need in order to
October 26, 2021
New Computers for Sale in Lubbock, Texas
Every day, you likely do one thing or another on your computer. Perhaps it is where you do all your work! Many people are in front of a computer screen for eight or more hours a day. It is important that you are working on a computer that is good for you and works with your needs. From Macbooks to PCs to Chrome books, everyone has an opinion on what computer is the best, but
September 23, 2021
Lubbock Technical Support: Lubbock Computer Professional Repair
Most of us have computers that we use each and every day. From working online whether at home or the office to doing school to simply checking our phones several times a day, we are “online” more than ever, and with the continual evolution of technology, it does not seem like this is going to change any time soon. However, with a variety of devices that are used for a multitude of activities, it is