
A new California law that went into effect on July 1 will make it much easier for people to cancel subscriptions online. Since the bill, sponsored by State Sen. Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys), includes all services that have paying customers in the state, it will also benefit dissatisfied customers in … Source: California’s new online cancellation law benefits many disgruntled subscribers in other places, too
Sending pictures to others is one of the most basic functions of a smartphone, but when your phone’s texting app starts randomly pushing out photos without your knowledge, you got a problem. Source: A Bug in Samsung’s Default Texting App Is Sending Random Pics to Other People
The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that hundreds of outside software developers were scanning the inboxes of millions of Gmail users. Google “does little to police those developers,” the paper reported. Source: Google reportedly allows outside app developers to read people’s Gmails – INSIDER
Did you know that you can undelete deleted iPhone photos for a month after you … Source: How to undelete deleted photos on iOS
Source: Samsung’s texting app is randomly sending messages and photos